News Archive

District 9 Q&A Session

created on Sep-11-2009

In association with Flamedrop Productions I helped organise and MC’d a small and very impromptu Q&A Sesssion with some of the cast and crew of the unbelievably awesome movie District 9.
As some of you may know the entire film was shot in South Africa, by South Africans and starring South Africans.
Guests are Jason Cope (Christopher Johnson and Grey Bradnam) Vanessa Haywood (Tania vd Merwe) and Producer Michael S. Murphy.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Interviewer: Joe Vaz (Something
Cameras: Paul Blom, Vianne Venter, Sonja Ruppersberg
Edited by Paul Blom
Music: “Venus Rising” by TERMINATRYX